Tuesday, July 7, 2009


she is someone who you can count on for anything. except her having untangled hair. she likes things that most people at our age dont. like jeff buckley. like rain. like leo. she is unique in every-way. she has different views. and different ways of thinking. 

she is a proud vegetarian. (and sorry again for making you walk through the meat place, at Vic Market. woops)  she is loud. and sure sometimes you wanna kill her, because you just need some quite time. she cry's at things that she cares about. like when we were fighting, every time she said something she would start to cry. but even though she cry's she isnt a wimp. she is tough. she plays halo. and dota. but i can beat her is bowling. LOL. 

she wants to change the world. she wants to make a difference. she wants things in the world to be different. because she cares. 

she is like no one i know. she doesn't suck up to people. she listens when you ask her to. and expresses her opinions, and doesn't care wether you like it our not. sometimes she doesn't know when to shut up. then you yell at her. and then she shuts her trap like a little kid being told off:P
you can laugh with her. you can cry with her. you can do anything with her, because you know that she will love you no matter what. and you know that when you need her. she will be there.

she is beautiful. she is catherine. just catherine.  i love her.



Flores e Flowers

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