50th. Award
its my 50th blog. isnt that exciting?
and i got my first award, but i didnt even understand that i had got one. hahaha, im a bit weird.
im guessing, by copying catherine- that i have to write 10 things about myself.
1. I have very odd dreams. Like once i had this dream that my P.E teacher lifted up my top in class and said- This is what you call obese. and another time, i tried to kill a serial killer with a plastic spoon and some pins. FAIL huh?
2. I have one of those oil water things- you know where the water goes to the bottom, and its a different colour, and then there are fishes that float in the middle, and then one day i shook the things, so that the oil and the water would miss together, and no i have like oil blobs in the water bit and the water bits in the oil bits. its all very confusing.
3. I dont like running. Especially in heels and a dress. i dont like running at the beach ( unlike catherine) i dont like running on land, i dont like running on concrete. pretty much i dont like running.
- unless im REALLYY high, then i run around everywhere. im like a big crazy person.
4. I get high and then start laughing at everything. and by everything i mean EVERYTHING.
5.Im such a girly girl. I love to paint my nails, brush my hair, dress up and go out shopping. But yet sometimes i do very un-lady-like things. Like run up and down the street screaming at someone. Or sitting with on foot up on the chair, in a high class restaurant, while eating with my elbows on the table :P
6. I spend about half my life infront of the computer or the t.v. When i get home from school, i go onthe computer and stay on it until about 9:30
7. I have tried tomato sauce with sultans. It sounds like fucken weird, which it is. but :P it tasted quite nice. but then i tried it again, cause it did taste pretty good :) and it didnt. it was like lumpy sauce. not very appealing.
8. When i get nervous, i talk REALLY fast. like you should have heard me in my debate today. I was like aksjdhf;laksjd;fhalsnvd;aljwdf;lajs;ldjkf! but we still WON!! all thanks to me! cause i spent a ENTIRE day writing it. mhmmm.
9.I use to love Taylor Lautner so much, that i had him as a screen saver, and every night i would kiss it good night...
-You didnt do that? I dont either.
10. I can shape my tongue into a 3 leaf-ed clover.
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