Wednesday, July 29, 2009


sabine is a bitch.

photography Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


its nearly my birthday :D YAY

just i need people to RSVP. now. im being really annoying cause i NEED to know.
and i need to book it. and if they are booked out. in going to die.

Friday, July 10, 2009


i made a milkshake with a electric whisk, although it did make a bit of a mess. the lump of ice cream was too big, cause i didnt squish it. and so BAHHHH, MILK everywhere. but it taste nice. it has vanilla essense. CATHERINE, she fails at making them :P


today my mum is taking me out to buy me my birthday presents. and a lot of it will be from the body shop. WOOO. don't you just love that shop? this guy from my primary school used it. and yeah, guy!! wtf. 

this year is soo weird. like i don't know what i want for my birthday. like last year i could just name allll these things that i wanted, and now, nothing. i can think of things that i need. like a blender. but i doubt someone is going to buy me a blender for my birthday. that is just a little weird. 

ich bin bruno.

we wanted to see bruno, but only one of us was old enough. and so i tried to look old. i curled my hair and mascara and eyeliner. and heels. lol.

bruno is that most stupid and funny movie. hahahaha. very inappropiate, can see why we werent meant to get in. 

we saw dick for about a mintue. non stop, swinging.

it was pretty funny. he took his clothes off infront of this politician guy, a real politician guy. i dont think he knew that he was going to be in that move. LOL. sooo funny.

because we arent 15+ we kinda had to sneak in. it wasnt as hard as i thought. like i wore heels, just to try and look taller. didnt really need to, they just hurt my feet in the end.  so me and catherine and angie bought the proposal, and maddi bought bruno. and then we just walked into bruno. it was soooo easy. didnt need to wear heels after all. what a waste. then we walked the WHOLE yarra. not all in heels. thankgod i bought flats. 

then we went to KFC. 

then we walked around bourke st. and myer.  

and i got a wallet, for my birthday. tis awesome.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

mary's fail-ness.

today we went shopping at highpoint. and we were like trying to 'glam up'. we like found dresses and like shoes. and we were going to like trying to put this make up on, but like the people were like, you cant use it directly from the wand, it is again health regulations or some shit. and so we like oh, can you help us try these things on. and they were like, you have to buy 2 products and then we can do your makeup for you. and we really didnt want to, because we were like, meh. we just wanted to have fun. 

k so we also found shoes. mary- purple (as usual) and catherine- red (as usual) i didnt get anything. they were all ugly

ok. so then we went and tried the dresses on. i have a strapless dress. mary had flowing, but not long, it was black and white and floral. catherine had this dress that is the devil. it was pink at the botton and black at the top. i chose it. LOL.

we were in the dressing rooms. we were all in the same one, cause we wanted to take pictures, and like it was funny. we all got in our dresses. my one was EXTREMELY tight. like i could zip it up but man, i couldn't breathe. mary fitting in her dress very well, not very tight, but tight enough. it was soooo pretty on her. (anything looks pretty on mary:P) and catherine, LOL. it was like the tightest dress every! it didnt even zip up. we didnt check for size's, we just took anyone of the rack and put it on. 

we took pictures. posing. heheheh. it was LOL.

then we swapped dresses. i took mary's and she took mine. catherine was, wait, i dont know what she was doing. hahaha. my dress was also tight on mary. she couldnt breathe either. LOL. i fit in mary's dress but it looked better on mary. she has more cleavage. hehehe. 

and then we swapped again. i took catherines and she took mary's dress. and it catherine's dress didnt fit me either. LOL. catherine  fit into mary's dress.

more posing. LOL
and then i got changed back into my clothes. and mary tried catherine's dress. BAD IDEA. and because mary is a skinny bitch, we thought, aduh she should be able to fit into this dress. and so we were like CMON. go up ur damn zip. it didnt work. LOL. and then so we were like, ok lets get outta here.

so catherine got dressed. and well mary. a different story. she got stuck. then dress zip would NOT go down. we were like shit! and omg. it was sooo LOL. we were pulling and pulling at the zip, and man it did not like us. we tried pulling it over her head, nope, we tried pulling it down, nope. NOTHING. not a budge. we probably were very noising because then we heard, do i hear about a dress being stuck? SHITT.

we opened the door to a scary lady. she was soo mean. like. she was soo pissed at us. she is like oh that is a 6. (meaning we didnt fit) great. we are fatty's. and so she had to go and get this other lady, who was even scarier. ahh. she was like, you put too much pressure on the zip. blah blah blah. then she FINALLY she got it off. and we were like OMG.THANK YOU. 

and then i saw mary's boob. LOL. apparently not by accident

what a fun day. 

 funniest day.ever.could not stop laughing.

i was wrong.

i was being hypocritical. i was wrong. i say lol on msn. and i now realise i was wrong. sorry.

i so lol. but i am just so use to it. sometimes i say lol, because i have nothing else to say. and quite often im not actually laughing. you would know catherine. she tries to make me laugh like everyday.

ok. so i was wrong. let me re-write my blog.

LOL is a shit word to say OUT loud. writing them on msn is fine. but saying it aloud is just retarded. say gtg out loud. saying rofl

that is what the world is coming to. LOL out loud.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


who invented this word? LOL it is a crap word. it doesn't even show how you are really feeling. really. who actually laughs when they write lol? huh? not me. i don't even say lol. i say hahahahahah. but that is a different story. 

i really dont understand that word. i hate it. it is annoying. if you went through a whole conversation you would see how overly used it is. it is lol this, lol that. but really. do we have to lol everything? i just wanna kill that word. it is so. grrrr

the other day i said, CBF. like oh my gosh right? what has gotten into me? eventually everyone is going to start talking, by only using the first letter of each word. 

example: omgtgwbasb.
interpretation: oh my gosh, this girl was being a super bitch.

this is what is happening to the world.



be a bitch. i don't mind. ill just ruin you life.


she is someone who you can count on for anything. except her having untangled hair. she likes things that most people at our age dont. like jeff buckley. like rain. like leo. she is unique in every-way. she has different views. and different ways of thinking. 

she is a proud vegetarian. (and sorry again for making you walk through the meat place, at Vic Market. woops)  she is loud. and sure sometimes you wanna kill her, because you just need some quite time. she cry's at things that she cares about. like when we were fighting, every time she said something she would start to cry. but even though she cry's she isnt a wimp. she is tough. she plays halo. and dota. but i can beat her is bowling. LOL. 

she wants to change the world. she wants to make a difference. she wants things in the world to be different. because she cares. 

she is like no one i know. she doesn't suck up to people. she listens when you ask her to. and expresses her opinions, and doesn't care wether you like it our not. sometimes she doesn't know when to shut up. then you yell at her. and then she shuts her trap like a little kid being told off:P
you can laugh with her. you can cry with her. you can do anything with her, because you know that she will love you no matter what. and you know that when you need her. she will be there.

she is beautiful. she is catherine. just catherine.  i love her.



No room for error. Asian Parents

There is no room for error! Everything has to be perfect. And that is how it is with Asian parents and it sucks.

Growing up with rules when you are one. And being pressured into things that you hate doing! Like piano lessons, when you hate music or art classes when you cant draw even if your life depended on it. Being told that you are stupid and that you will never get into a good school because you failed a pop quiz. It doesn’t feel great having your parents tell you that every time you do something wrong. And you try to ask for help, but they can’t help you, either because they can’t be bothered, or they say that you are stupid and should already know. 

I have grown up in this environment. And even though I love my parents dearly, I find that numerous faults in what they do and what they say. 

They are pushy. Everything that they say, you must do, even if you do not agree. And I am not talking about doing the dishes, I’m talking about things like extra curriculum classes. Like tennis or violin, or swimming. You can’t quit but you can’t be bad at it either. It is a hard life.


Homework is an unavoidable part of life. But when teachers are nice and they don’t give you any homework, you chill out in front of the TV or the computer. But with Asian parents, if you have no homework, they give you extra homework. And if you finish that they give you more. That is also like holidays. Well actually, you don’t have holidays. It is always homework, tutor homework and Chinese.

Asian parents restrict their kids from having fun. I know a girl who is in year 5 and doesn’t know what an Ipod is. They are control everything. Who your friends are, what age you date, who you date, and NO SEX! And I am not saying want sex. It is just that every time before you go to parties. They give you this long boring and pointless speech about how IMPORTANT it is not to have sex. And I have probably heard these speeches about 400 times.

Asian parents can be so cheap sometimes. Only buying from discount stores like the reject shop and BIG W. You are not allowed to buy from just jeans, jayjays or diva. They say that you have to get value for money. You can’t buy from designer brand unless they are on sale. And it is really annoying because things from cheap places have no style.

Even thought it is illegal to hit or abuse children in Australia, it still happens. Children are hit for doing the littlest things. But in china, parents always hit their kids. If you weren’t hit, you were considered spoilt.

Also in china there are arranged marriages. My friend, practically my sister, who was born in china, would have been, married at the age of 16 to a man who was 5 years older than her. But her parents moved to Australia and she didn’t have to.

Asian parents also expect their kids to do well in everything. They set your standards at an extremely high standard, you have this bad feeling that you're letting them down. So sometimes you are forced to study hard, staying up till the crack of dawn.

Overall, it is hard living as an Asian. Your parents literally control your life at a young ages. The older you are, the more freedom you will receive but that's a long time to wait so unfortunately, Asian kids have to continue with their parents in complete control of their lives.

- my year 8 speech.

Monday, July 6, 2009


bec and catti are evil.

they tricked me, into thinking that i had missed. the one and only. most marvelous. and glorious. 

ruby rose.

those bitches. :P 

they told me that 7PM. a show that has RUBY ROSE as one of the host. and i believed them.

then i was like WTF. NOOOO. this can NOT be happening. 
then i was like, wait what channel was it on? and what time was it on?
bec said: it is on at 7PM. aduh. and it was on channel 10.
me: no way. i was watching channel 1o all night. and at 7pm masterchief was on. 
but like the idiot that i am, i believed them. because catherine told me about it too. i was really annoyed and i really wanted to watch it. and bec told me that ruby had hot shoes one, and i LOVE shoes. hehehehe. 

so.. i went onto the 7PM website. and there was NO video of the episode, and i was like MOTHER ******. NOOO. there was some info about the show, like what is was about, it this is what it said.

Every week day from July 20, at 7PM the day’s news will be dissected, digested and re-constituted by some of Australia’s funniest and smartest.

see what an idiot i am? 
and because i was on msn. i was like. you are a LIAR. LIAR. 
bec, still trying to fool me was like: wtf. it was. 
then i sent her the blue bit ^^ up there. and i sent it to catti too. 
they were cracking up at me.

me: idiot.


msn. it changes your life. people without msn, grown up differently from people who have grown up with msn. 

msn, it stops people from talking face to face. it lets you hide behind something they are not. and saying things that may not be what you are really feeling, because the other person cant see your facial expression. you learn, not to talk to people.

people become scared to confront people. they are scared to tell people what they are really feeling. when you have something to say, say it to there face. ok, sure they might get pissed at you but, you how can you expect them not too? if you tell them over msn, to me, feels as if you you are just too scared to tell them to their face. and you can say that that is just who you are but, that is just being a big fat chicken. you are hinding from the truth, and from what you are afraid they will say. it is just NOT the same on msn.

also. asking someone out on msn. NO. that is a big nono. that is also hinding from the truth. you are afraid of rejection, and who isn't, but can you really think that you never ever be rejected in your life. even if you were the hottest guy in the world. there will always be that one or two people who think you are the ugliest guy on the planet.
and if they do want to say yes it will be just that much more romantic, that much sweeter, that much more wonderful. because seriously, what girl wants to asked out over msn. 
guy: hey
girl: hey
guy: ummm, do you want to...
girl: what?
guy: go out with me? 
girl: sure

ok, see? she said SURE, not yes:D  and then what is she going to tell her friends? 

' hey guys, guess what?, he asked me out!'
' OMG, really?'
' yeah'
' how did he do it?'
' oh... he asked me out on msn.'
' ohhh, great...'

sounds sooo romantic doesn't it?

me personally LOVE msn, and i know that is sooo bad. it is horrible. but i can't help it. msn can be a good at times. it can be a way to get together with friends, a way to chill. but know that msn is not for serious things. it is hard to tell things to peoples face, but being the person who receives the criticism, you don't feel as if the person has tried very hard to try and  talk to you, to try and sort things out with you, its like they don't care. and most likely they do, but you cant help thinking.

msn, it isnt for serious things. because msn is fail

Sunday, July 5, 2009

it's just me.

i am weird. and if you have ever met me, you would know that. your first impressions of me, are usually not what i really am like. i have 3 stages.

1.  when you first meet me, i am quite and shy. i don't really talk. you will just think that i am a shy goody goody asian. you will think that i am nice. and wont say a bad word about you.

2. you get to know me. and i get annoying. i talk alot. i laugh alot, i am crazy. you will kinda want to shoot me IN THE FACE. i will feel more comfortable around you, and so i will let myself out more. 

3. i am nice. if you give me the time. i will be one of your best friends. but many people don't wait this long, they don't put up with the second stage of getting to know me. and i know that that is bad, but really, if you can wait that long, you wont regret it.

the curse.

i think that there is like some force that doesn't want me to have a boyfriend. i have a curse that has put on me. everyone that i like, always is taken by somebody else. it just hurts. and i know that is probably just a coincidence, but i how can it have happened 4 times in a row?

i can't do anything about it. so i guess i'll just have to wait, lets hope not for 10 years.

first blog.

i always wanted to be the best at everything. but hey it turns out i cant. and it's hard trying to always be the best. always looking the best, always acting in a way that people approve, and getting the best result. the world has used ways to brain wash us. and it has worked. people going out, spending hundreds of dollars on things we don't need. hair products, make up, botox for crying out loud. and you know why we do this? it is for men. and sure some people say they do it to make them self's feel good, but who are you kidding. sure looking hot makes you feel good, but why does it make you feel good? because we think that there a chance, that that one guy, that we love, will finally look in our direction- even for a second, instead of drooling over the hot chick with the big boobs. because really, who is going to even going to take a second look at the fat, ugly flat chested girl. no one.

- this is from my myspace.

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